What kinds of diets do vegans eat?

Whilst a vegan diet is incontrovertably devoid of live or dead animals, there are various types of vegan diet that people can adopt, some of which are healthier than others!
For example a vegan may adopt a mostly, or exclusively raw food diet where they avoid heated or cooked food, a whole food diet where processed foods including oils are eliminated and can include heated and cooked foods, and junk food vegans eat a range of processed foods typically containing high levels of fats, salt and sugary/baking products that are not typically good for our health and just like a non-vegan diet can lead to all manner of chronic inflammation leading to disease and illhealth!
Then there's a fourth category of vegan who may not be purist about any of these diets and rather eats a bit of everything.
Plant based eating is becoming more popular due to increased knowledge of the health and environmental benefits of relying less on animals for our nutition, and so many more people who don't want to restrict to a vegan only diet are adopting a plant forward diet instead of relying on animal and dairy food for other sources of protein for example.