8 Great ways to be a mindful eater

Finding it difficult to eat less of what you’ve prepared or cooked? Or unable to resist the urge to eat food on your plate that you really need to leave on your plate and not consume?
To ensure that one way or another overeating becomes a thing of the past here are 8 great ways to start adopting the principles of being a mindful eater:
- Slow things down when you’re preparing and cooking your food. By going slower you’ll be more mindful of the amounts and type of food you're preparing to eat.
- Cook just enough. Have all your ingredients at the ready so you know how much you’re dealing with. Be prepared to leave some out if you have too much. Even if you’re preparing many meals, be mindful of how much is required for each person.
- When you do start to fill your plate ensure you have lots of ‘white’ space between items of food and that includes a good sized border around the edges of your plate. And crucially don’t pile upwards to fit more on. If you have prepared too much, leave it in the pan rather than putting more on your plate!
- Think about the condiments, sauces and pastes you’re adding to flavour food on the plate and think mindfully about whether you really need them. Perhaps add more herbs and spices while cooking rather than sugary or salty additions afterwards.
- When you do begin to eat, take a moment to appreciate the colours, textures and aromas on your plate. Savour the flavour of each bite by putting your utensils down after each bite.
- Take a drink of water before taking the next bite and allow it to swell the food you’ve just eaten. This way you’ll feel fuller more quickly.
- At regular intervals ask yourself “Am I satisfied”, “Do I need to stop eating now?”
- If the answer is yes and you have food left on your plate, don’t be tempted to go back in! Take it back to the kitchen and either box it up for another meal or throw it away knowing that perhaps next time #1 above needs to be reassessed as your stomach and appetite shrink to new levels.