Recovery Programme for Managing Autoimmunity
JOIN NOW FOR FREE!Why do we struggle with chronic inflammation?
Acute inflammation is an essential part of the body's physical defence mechanism where the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. It comes about through tissue damage due to trauma, microbial invasion, or noxious compounds, and starts rapidly, becoming severe in a short time with symptoms lasting for a few days to weeks, for example, cellulitis or acute pneumonia.
Chronic Inflammation, also known as slow, long-term inflammation can last for prolonged periods of several months to years, depending on the extent and effects of the cause of the injury and the ability of the body to repair and overcome the damage.
Common signs and symptoms of chronic inflammation include body pain, arthralgia (joint pain), myalgia (muscle pain) chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, gastrointestinal complications like constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux, weight gain or weight loss, and frequent infections.
Whilst we might recognise the individual symptoms we are having on a daily basis and feel frustrated at how they are affecting us, most people living with an undiagnosed autoimmune condition have these symptoms for years simply managing them the best they can. It's not all that uncommon for us not to recognise that all the symptoms we are having are caused by a common underlying condition called chronic inflammation, and more importantly, that the inflammation is being triggered by environmental and lifestyle factors which in most cases can be treated and reversed before severe illness, disease and injury has set in.
By the time we are aware that we are severely affected by chronic inflammation, we are typically relying on medications of some kind to prevent further damage to our cells, tissues and organs, and to stabilise or regulate our health and well-being at a functional level.
How can chronic inflammation be eliminated?
We often know the kinds of things that help us to feel good and the kinds of things that don't. However, once symptoms of chronic inflammation set in, especially when they are serious, we're often not in the best place to easily make changes, and instead rely on medications to help to do it for us.
Medications to manage inflammatory symptoms can be powerful, however the side effects can be intolerable over the long term. Clearing the inflammation can work really quick, but without making lifestyle changes over the longer term, it's very probable we'll have a reoccurance of our inflammatory response sometime sooner or later.
In the last couple of decades there's been a proliferation of published scientific discoveries in how all kinds of inflammatory conditions including autoimmune diseases can be reversed by making moderate changes to our lifestyle.
Chronic inflammation can be prevented and eliminated by for example, consuming a low inflammatory/calorific well-balanced nutritious diet, being more active, reducing stress, getting good quality sleep, eliminating smoking and alcohol consumption, and enjoying positive social connections!
Often though we're doing more harm than good, but we just don't know it, or don't know what to do about it!
Imagine what it would feel like if you woke up everyday ready to jump out of bed and didn't have to worry about the ill effects of having an autoimmune condition. How much of your energy, time and money could be spent on doing healthier, and more enjoyable and productive things instead?!
It doesn't have to be complicated resolving chronic inflammation, even if its been going on for some time. Learning some effective, natural and easygoing lifestyle strategies can soon get you on your way to eliminating... fatigue, pain, mind fog, memory problems, insomnia, depression, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, stomach problems, weight gain or weight loss, frequent infections, and of course acute or permanent damage to tissues, organs and cells!
WHAT'S TO LOSE? READY TO GIVE IT A GO?! Find yourself...
1. Feeling happier
2. Eating better
3. Feeling younger
5. Lovin' being in control
6. Having more energy
7. Being more productive
8. Becoming pain free
9. Living an inflammation free lifestyle
Need a proven strategy with lasting results?
The program is hosted by Karen Bartle, lifestyle change & resilience health coach, advanced cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapist, and vegan whole food plant based health coach. Learn more about Karen
Access amazing support and resources to keep you motivated, on track and committed to getting back in control of your health & well-being.
All in all, a no brainer; go at your own pace and in your own time, effective strategies to help you make and maintain some essential lifestyle changes.
A simple four step process for recovery from autoimmunity
STEP 1: Identify the problem!
Step one is to identify the factors thwarting your recovery from chronic inflammation.
STEP 2: Identify your goal!
Identifying personal goals is an essential second step to making those all important lifestyle changes.
STEP 3: Create your road map!
Here you'll identify & refine what's thwarting your progress, and what's going to aid your recovery!
STEP 4: It's time to party!
The last step is to get the support you need to sustainably implement your new solutions for good!